
What We Do When We’re Locked Out Of Schools

By October 6, 2020 October 12th, 2020 No Comments

Ask any PC adviser why she/he got involved with PrincipalsConnect and they’ll tell you that they love going to schools, meeting with our principals, and experiencing the energy they feel being around students and teachers.

For the past five months, we haven’t been able to be in schools and it is driving us crazy!  PC advisers are still working on projects and doing what we can through Zoom meetings. For example, Diana Keating recruited former Hallmark designers and artists to help Border Star Elementary principal Blake Rhyne develop a plan to make the interiors of his school a more energizing reflection of the spirit of the Montessori teaching environment.

Diana Keating

Blake Rhyne

Our leaders and teachers are doing amazing work while they teach and lead remotely.  We salute their work and can’t wait until we can be back in schools to support their outstanding efforts.